I design and collaborate through research and prototyping to bring beautiful ideas to life, creating products that harmonize the athlete's experience with their environment.

I am an avid maker and hold a Master of Science in Performance Product Design.


Gear system tailored for PNW big game bowhunters
MS Thesis Project

Everyday apparel designed for camps & range days

Strap-style release aid designed for W-1 Atheletes

Camouflage and body mapping specifically designed for warm weather conditions

Uniforms Made for Space Exploration Training (STAR HARBOR)

Forager bag influenced by architectural formsTyvek Competition

Camouflage and body mapping specifically designed for early season hunts

Thermoregulation Gear for Hot Weather Archery Hunting Activities

Saddle hunting knee pads aiming to unlock all-day comfort and quite maneuvers

Assault Boots Designed for Urban Mil-Sim Games
